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Greetings!  Welcome to JEVA Ministry

Would you like to enhance your health and wellness?

Would you like to have better balance in your life?

We often think of health and wellness as being related to our physical bodies–things like nutrition, rest, and exercise.  We can also think about health and wellness in terms of our mind (thinking and emotions); a focus on mental health is definitely needed in our lives and is becoming more mainstream.  Another area, that is not always addressed, is  our spiritual or faith related health and wellness. This area is especially important to address, not only through traditional faith or religious practices, but in everyday practical  life.

All of these areas–body, mind and spirit  are interrelated.  A balance of health in all dimensions, especially spiritual wellness, promotes our best functioning in physical, emotional, and spiritual life roles. Ancient spiritual traditions and contemporary spiritual and secular practices support the idea of body, mind and spirit working together. Our status in any one area, impacts the others. Having a balanced life, with a strong body (physical health), focused mind (mental and emotional  well-being) and a faithful spirit (spiritual wellness) are all critical for us to function optimally in our life roles. In connecting spirituality to everyday life, it is important that we strive toward health in all areas. God loves us and cares for us and he wants us to care for ourselves!  


JEVA Ministry is designed for individuals and groups of all ages and backgrounds—youth through adults, those wanting to explore faith/spirituality in their lives to those actively engaged in the Christian faith. It is designed to promote health in all of the above areas, with a special emphasis on spiritual wellness. Ministry services are available for individuals, small groups and/or larger organizations and offer both direct and networking/partnering opportunities.

Whether you or your group belong to an organized religion, church or denomination, or not, whether you are a believer and have questions or whether you are simply seeking to explore spiritual “nourishment”, you can find support, resources, reflections, and experiences right here on the website. Beyond the website, the various community services offered by the ministry will help enhance spiritual wellness in your life, while also promoting health in all other areas. To begin or continue your spiritual wellness journey…

See these pages for more information on what is available and how to get started:









(Photos by Diana Simumpande and Ben White, Unsplash.com)

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit”.
(3 John 1:2)
“For I will restore health to you, and all your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord”. (Jeremiah 30:17)

These scriptures support the interconnection between body, mind, and spirit. As we experience health in one dimension of our lives, it truly can affect all other dimensions. How great to explore spiritual wellness and experience better all-around health and life as a result!


Would you like to enjoy the outdoors and the company of friends during a group prayer walk in your neighborhood?

Or how about a short prayer service for a holiday or special occasion in your home or community center?

Would you like to get together with peers to explore and discuss ways to address life’s challenges or relationships from a faith based perspective?

Or would you like to discuss concerns related to your personal faith and how to incorporate faith practices in your life?

How about a Women’s afternoon of devotionals, fellowship and faith-based art activities?

These are just a few ideas on services that can be arranged to guide you in your quest for spiritual wellness! Check out the rest of the website for others. 



Savor the Summer Season


(Willfried Wende Pixabay.com)

The theme for this season is Savor the Season.  Summer is in full swing!  It’s time for patriotic holidays, nice weather, vacations, ice cream cones and special seasonal activities like swimming. Summer can also provide us for unique faith- based experiences, whether that be participating in vacation Bible school programs or doing our devotionals outdoors. We often await this season for weeks or months, yet it seems to pass quickly.  Finding ways to “savor” the sights, sounds and experiences of summer is possible and just may make the season even more enjoyable and last a bit longer. 

Health practitioners speak of the benefits of learning to savor the moment– “Learning to savor the moment in life is a convenient, free, and effective way to increase your happiness and quality of life” (Elizabeth Scott, “Learn How to Savor the Moment”).  Many of the guidelines for savoring and their benefits are consistent with spirituality and the Christian faith. 

Scripture also tells us a little about savoring. “Summer is a subject touched upon in the Bible under various circumstances often symbolizing growth, fruition and abundance. The Bible represents summer as a time of maturity, preparation and fruition where the beauty of the world is fully expressed, invokes awe and demonstrates God’s abundance. During summer, the Bible’s teachings encourage introspection, prayer, and spiritual growth”.  (50 Bible Verses About Summer).  In Philippians 4:11, Paul talks about being content in all circumstances. Psalm 118:24 tell us to rejoice in the day God has made.  It becomes clear that there are significant benefits for our overall health and faith with the practices of savoring. Why not try to engage in some of these this summer?! 





Please check out updates related to savoring on the following pages:

On the Resource page, you will find book/devotional resources and links to resource websites.  These contain additional information on savoring and a variety of summer activities for you and families that will help savor the season. 

On the Reflections page, you will find quotes, poems, devotionals and meditations related to summer and savoring. 

On the Wellness page, you will find excerpts and links related to savoring and summer health in all dimensions.

As always, JEVA Ministry is available for a variety of Christian spiritual formation services.

Check out all the offerings on the Services page.

The About page provides an overview of the ministry and provides contact information.