Need time to get away from everyday life?
Need to refresh your mind and spirit?
Need to spend time with the Lord?
Consider “treating” yourself to a retreat…
Retreats are a source of spiritual renewal and refreshment. They offer a space and time to devote attention to God and our faith lives. Retreats provide us with a chance to focus on what really matters in our spirituality (and in the rest of our lives). They allow us to put away the usual distractions in our lives in order to allow relaxation, prayer and inner reflection.
JEVA Ministry offers a wide range of retreat options. You/your group can choose the time length–perhaps a few hours, perhaps a day. You can select a theme for the retreat or work with Karen to develop a theme compatible with the needs of the retreat participants. Retreats can be active or contemplative or a combination.
Retreats can be designed with seasonal themes, for example an October-November retreat related to gratitude. They can be geared to a common topic, such as hope. Retreats can include activities such as making a gratitude journal. They can incorporate fellowship such as small group discussions or preparing and sharing a meal. Retreats can offer speakers or witnesses or can be organized around private prayer and individual devotions. The possibilities are creative and endless based upon identified needs and requests.
JEVA Ministry will provide retreats at your location or a mutually agreed upon location. Venues that provide both open spaces and private spaces are optimal. Retreat costs are flexible based on the venue, length of time, number of participants and structure/format of the retreat content.